Rock and Alternative T-shirts

Band T-shirts inspired by Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Goth and New Wave Bands like The Rolling Stones, XTC, Talking Heads, The Stranglers, The Cure and P.I.L.
Designed in house with designs inspired by albums, songs and bands from the world best bands and artists, and printed using high quality professional screen printing techniques.
Durable, good quality tees in a selection of sizes from SMALL to XL.
If you have a band, artist, album or song in mind that you would like to see a t-shirt design inspired by, please let us know.

Rock, Alt, Punk and New wave tees


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only £10.00

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only £10.00

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No More Heroes - The Stranglers

No More Heroes - The Stranglers

from only £8.00

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only £10.00

Fall Out Boy - Sugar We're Going Down

Fall Out Boy - Sugar We're Going Down

from only £8.00

New-Wave T-shirts

Who we are and what we do...

Band T-shirts inspired by Rock, Punk, Pop Punk, Goth and New Wave Bands like The Rolling Stones, XTC, Talking Heads, The Stranglers, The Cure and P.I.L. Designed in house with designs inspired by albums, songs and bands from the world's best bands and artists, and printed using high quality professional screen printing techniques. Durable, good quality tees in a selection of sizes from SMALL to XL. If you have a band, artist, album or song in mind that you would like to see a t-shirt design inspired by, please let us know.

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